Friday, September 23, 2005

Is he about to make his appearance!?

I don't know if I am leaking fluid or not. I think I am going to call the after hours number and ask the Dr what he thinks. Since yesterday i've been wondering if it's fluid or not.

Update: He told me to come in to see if it IS indeed fluid, they test it using a strip that changes color if it's fluid. It's probably nothing, but we'll see. Either way, Sunday is the latest Davey will be here!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Maternity Leave...

Well, I took my maternity leave today. I was in so much pain yesterday that I could not even think of going back today, even walking hurts and I can't bend over or gain my balance when a dog yanks on the leash! I was supposed to leave on Friday anyway, so really it's just a few days early, but I am scared. We're officially on one income now until November.

UPDATE: So I went in for my Dr appointment today, I was dilated to 2.5 cms and my BP was high again, along with nitrates in my urine. Put that with the pain I've been in and the spots, she wanted to induce me THURSDAY but they were booked up Thurs and Fri. So she scheduled me for Sunday, even though they don't usually do inductions then. I have to be there at 6:30 am to fill out paperwork, then they'll IV me and start pitocin, then she'll break my water. It is so exciting, and Dave & little Davey will (possibley) share a b-day. If Davey is indeed born that day (the 25th), I don't know how long it can take. But OMG I am excited and nervous all at once.

Sunday, September 11, 2005


Today I am officially considered full term (37 weeks)! Yay! If Davey were to be born now, he'd be considered a full term baby, not a preemie.
I still have 21 days left though, it seems like forvever! Oh well, we're almost 1/2 way through the month already...I just can't wait to meet little Davey.

Thursday, September 8, 2005

Strep B+

Well at my last appointment they told me I am Strep B + ...This just means I have to have antibiotics before and during labor. He said over 30% of women carry strep B. It's not something that affects us, but it can affect the baby if I don't get the antibiotics.

*sigh* Oh well, could be worse.

Thursday, September 1, 2005

The Growing Child

We decided on a pediatrician for Davey. We took a tour of the place the other day and loved the staff and office. It's called 'The growing Child Pediatrics'. One more thing crossed off of our 'to do' list. I am getting SO impatient for him to get here!!!